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  • Writer's pictureErin Fields

How These Two Video Games Got Me Through 2020

Image: Nintendo

I played a ton of games during 2020. On New Years Eve 2019, I’m sure than none of us other than God Himself had any idea what was to come in the short months ahead. I had high hopes for 2020 – I mean writing 2020 or even saying that it was the year 2020 was something pretty neat to think about. But, last year is what I would personally call a wet sock due to a multitude of events that are no secret. Throw in months of being in quarantine into the mix, and well, I ended up with some time on my hands outside of work hours.

Time I would’ve spend going to my Bible Study. Time I would’ve spent going to dinner with friends. Time I would’ve spent going to the movies. Time I would’ve spent going on vacation to who knows where. The list goes on and on and on and on….so, instead, I had to re-evaluate how I spent my time.

I played so many games in 2020 not just because I wanted to, but because I needed to – those games became an outlet for me when the world seemed to be put on pause. Unless you live in a cave or under a rock, last year…was rough. In the global view, there is so much fear and uncertainty lurking among the days than there ever has been since I can remember in my lifetime – it is a scary and worrisome to think about. Last year, video games helped me take my mind off the craziness of the world around me.

I’m not saying these are the best games, but I am saying that these are my favorites out of the ones I played last year, so don’t think that this is some game of the year show. One title I’ll mention came out in 2020, while the other didn’t – but regardless, since I first experienced both of them in 2020, I guess in a way, they’ll always be a 2020 game to me. I mean, they are the games that got me through last year, and I think that’s something beautiful to note...that each of these games spoke to me in some way or another.

Image: Nintendo

I’d never played Animal Crossing before…just Amiibo Festival on the Wii U, but we all can probably come to an agree that it doesn’t count as a REAL Animal Crossing game. Honestly, I can’t explain why I have put over 200 hours into this game – maybe because it came out at the literal perfect time, maybe because I went into it blind, maybe because the game was so hyped up…I’m not really sure.

Honestly, those first few months of quarantine and probably still even now, Animal Crossing New Horizons got a lot of people through a rough time by giving them a perfect fictional world to escape to. From personal experience, I can say that Animal Crossing New Horizons helped strengthen a few friendships of mine…yes, helped strengthen friendships while we were socially distancing. I know this game meant a lot of things to a lot of people, but this game showed me that online communities can be just as tight knit as in-person communities, just in a different way. Meeting up in the game with others felt like a good stand-in for IRL hangouts with friends – there was always something to do, always something to see, always something to be creative about.

I searched through social media channels for hours as I would see crazy ideas come to life through mini golf courses, diners, football fields, jazz clubs, castles, you name it! Every time I saw someone else’s creations, I only became more inspired to make creations of my own.

This game created memories for me with others – and I think this game really made me realize that its fun to genuinely have fun – it’s okay to chill out for an evening or two and get lost in a game you enjoy. After all, my friend did me a solid and was able to hunt down my favorite villager for me…yes, it’s Roald. No doubts. No questions.

The hunt for him was so crazy, but so fun – asking multiple people if he was moving out in boxes, negotiating bells or trades – if you’ve never been dreamy hunting, you’re missing out! Animal Crossing isn’t everyone’s cup of tea, but it was mine.

Image: Intelligent Systems/Nintendo

This game wasn’t on my radar to play in 2019, and also wasn’t on my radar to play in 2020 until it went on sale for $30 on Black Friday at Gamestop. Quite honestly, before this game, I had played more Fire Emblem in Super Smash Brothers titles than in actual Fire Emblem titles themselves, so I truly had no idea what to expect going in blind (little did I know that I would easily put in 100 hours into the game within the span of a month)!

Nintendo always tells the plot than myself (because there is so much to it, duh): “War is coming to the continent of Fódlan. Here, order is maintained by the Church of Seiros, which hosts the prestigious Officer’s Academy within its headquarters. You are invited to teach one of its three mighty houses, each comprised of students brimming with personality and represented by a royal from one of three territories. As their professor, you must lead your students in their academic lives and in turn-based, tactical RPG battles wrought with strategic, new twists to overcome. Which house, and which path, will you choose?”

Without question in my first playthrough, I chose to teach the Black Eagles House led by Edelgard Von Hresvelg, the heiress of the Adrestrian Empire (I mean, it’s okay if you didn’t pick Black Eagles on your playthrough – we all make mistakes; am I right?).

Even though I’ve played through 3/4 different routes in this game, it felt just as immersive of an experience as the first time I put the game in my Nintendo Switch. I know it’s just a game at the end of the day, but I became so attached to these characters and their feelings as if they could’ve been real people. The game taught me an important lesson during 2020 – that it is so fun to just have fun. As a young adult, it is so easy to get caught up in the busy aspects of life, but truly taking in the story of Fire Emblem Three Houses gave me something to savor and enjoy genuinely. Who knew I’d develop a heart for two dozenish fictional students living in some far off country in the 1180s?

Anyone who ever talks to me could easily tell you that this game became my favorite video game – it was quite literally the first narrative game I’d ever been drawn to, and it makes me only want to play more games like such. The game teaches you that while life is about choices, and sometimes you can’t unchoose your decisions – you must stand firm for what you believe in and go with it.

Even if you don’t play JRPGs, check this one out. You won’t regret it!

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